It’s Gosh Giving Time .

As a way of saying thank you for such an inspiring 2018, this year we’ve decided to give you… well… us. The Gosh Creative team are gifting 2 hours of our time to use any way you like (almost).

You can choose to use the 2 hours yourself, gift the 2 hours to someone else, or choose to give a Gosh team member to one of our favourite volunteer orgs, like the Sacred Heart Mission, Big Umbrella or the St Vinnies Soup Van.

It’s your 2 hours of Gosh time to gift however you like.


2 hours for another

I’d like to gift my 2 hours to a worthy Gosh not-for-profit client, or I know a friend who needs some creative juices.


2 hours as a volunteer

I’m giving a Gosh team member to a volunteer organisation, like the Sacred Heart Mission, Big Umbrella or the St Vinnies Soup Van.

We’ve really enjoyed working with you this year. Have a safe and happy break (you’ve earned it) and see you in 2019!

From Ren, Damo, Sam, Slyvia, Farida, Scott and Elaine @ the Gosh Creative team

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